Rancho Cordova Police Activities League Reviews
2897 Kilgore Road, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670

5 / 5
based upon 7 reviews.
Posted On: 03/01/2021 For most of my life, I have been able to be apart of the PAL family! Every year is an amazing year with the different programs offered! I started as a Junior-Giants Baseball League participant; then, I was recruited into the Youth Leadership Council (YLC)! Whether it was playing ball with my peers during the summer or helping out at community-wide events, there is always a great atmosphere where people want to be! As a volunteer with YLC, I was able to receive the '2017 Rancho Cordova Teen Volunteer of the Year Award' I could not have done it without the encouragement and uplifting spirit from the amazing PAL staff! Everyone in the PAL family has and still enjoys the positive environment that's offered! I have really enjoyed my years with PAL, and I look forward to the new opportunities for me as the 2021 Junior-Giants Ambassador! Anthony L
Posted On: 02/28/2021 YLC has impacted my life because it has helped me to make new friends and also serve the community. PAL has helped the YLC a lot. PAL events are wonderful and one example is Christmas in Cordova. I feel that Christmas in Cordova is a great event because it helps many families in need and people are thankful for their gifts. Some people were actually crying with happiness. Another thing that PAL does is that they provide the YLC with food and that is really amazing and I am thankful for what PAL does. I hope that the PAL and YLC continue because it is a great organization that changes many youths lives. Rachel G
Posted On: 02/27/2021 PAL has opened so many doors for me. When I joined PAL I was so shy but now I make a contribution to conversations. I can stand up in front of people and talk. Through PAL I have made so many new friends. I have volunteered for four years and will continue for many more years. I can proudly say that I am a PAL kid. I was named High School “Respect for Law” recipient for my community service and academic achievements.
Jordan M
Jordan M
Posted On: 02/26/2021 PAL has impacted my life in many ways. When I first went to a PAL event I was really happy to volunteer because everyone was so nice. Also, I feel like without PAL I would be really quiet. Because of PAL I have gained social skills, skills that help me speak publicly and to take care of my community. Now, I love to volunteer and help my community. Ashvrya S
Posted On: 02/25/2021 PAL/YLC has impacted me in many ways. Without PAL/YLC I would not have learned many skills and experienced people’s happiness at PAL events. I feel that PAL/YLC has made me a better person. Without PAL/YLC I would never have experienced or learned the skills that PAL has taught me. Andrea M
Posted On: 02/25/2021 PAL has impacted my life by giving me things to do. PAL helps me gain volunteer hours for my college application and helping the people we work with. Making them feel happy, makes me feel amazing. Meisha J
Posted On: 02/03/2021 PAL has changed my life majorly. I would never know about the PAL program if it was not for my sister. I have been changed for life by PAL. Chris W